Quotes about music

“To me, music is not something that we see. Music is not even something that we feel. Music is something that we must grow into.”

– Sri Chinmoy 1

“In the spiritual world, next to meditation is music, the breath of music. Meditation is silence, energising and fulfilling. Silence is the eloquent expression of the inexpressible.”

– Sri Chinmoy 2

“The excruciating pangs and universal pathos of music is the beauty of the earth-heart.

The transcendental music of liberating Light and immortalising Delight is the beauty of the Heaven-Soul.”

Sri Chinmoy, 3

“Music is psychic enlightenment. Music is the supreme fulfilment of the aspiring human soul.”

Sri Chinmoy,  4

“While playing, the seeker-musician in silence converses and communes with the Musician Supreme, his Inner Pilot. He learns from Him the music of the soundless sound. The music of the soundless sound is Eternity’s sheltering tree with Infinity’s inspiring flowers and Immortality’s nourishing fruits. What the music of the soundless sound has, is the involution of God the man, and what it is, is the slow, steady and unerring evolution of man the God.”

Sri Chinmoy, 4

“Music and religion are like the obverse and reverse of the same reality-coin. Music in its purest sense is religion and religion in its purest sense is music. Only music and religion can transform and perfect humanity. This music-religion, this code of life, this universal language of the soul, can only be offered; it cannot be purchased or sold. Music and religion are for the seekers, for the music-lovers, for the truth-servers. Money-power or earthly name and fame cannot lord it over these two immortal realities, these two earthly and heavenly treasures.”

Sri Chinmoy, 4

“Music can do much for the Supreme. It is a way to reach humanity and bring spirituality to humanity.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 4

“Music helps the spiritual seeker to go deep within to get the utmost satisfaction from life, from truth, from reality. The spiritual life, in turn, helps music to offer its capacity and its strength, which is the soul’s light, to the world at large.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 8

“When we listen to soulful music, or when we ourselves play soulful music, immediately our inner existence climbs up high, higher, highest. It climbs up and enters into something beyond.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 9

“Music will play a most important role in bringing about world oneness, for music embodies the Universal Heart, the Oneness-Heart. Music transcends the barriers of nations, nationalities and religions.”

Sri Chinmoy, 10

“Music embodies universal Light and universal Truth, and music also embodies the oneness-reality which we see in universal Love, universal Light, universal Awareness and universal Wakefulness.”

Sri Chinmoy, 10

“Music has to play a most important role in bringing about world oneness, for music is the connecting link between the One and the many and between the many and the One.”

Sri Chinmoy, 10

“When we hear soulful music, or when we play a soulful piece of music, we feel a kind of inner thrill in our entire existence, from the soles of our feet to the crown of our head. A river is flowing through us, a river of consciousness, and this consciousness is all the time illumined.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 9

“If one can play soulful music or hear soulful music, the power of his own meditation increases. Music, soulful music, adds to our aspiration. Similarly, if a spiritual seeker wants to be a musician, even if he does not have a musical background, he will be able to be a good musician because prayer and meditation contain all capacities.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 9

“Soulful music is the music that wants to eventually transform our consciousness. It carries us into the Universal Consciousness and makes us feel that we are in tune with the highest, with the deepest, with the farthest.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 9

“If we really play soulful music, we will see that we are just an instrument, that somebody else is singing and playing in and through us, and that somebody is our Inner Pilot, the Supreme.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 9

“Music is the inner or universal language of God. I do not know French or German or Italian, but if music is played, immediately the heart of the music enters into my heart, or my heart enters into the music. At that time, we don’t need outer communication; the inner communion of the heart is enough. My heart is communing with the heart of the music and in our communion we become inseparably one.”

Sri Chinmoy, 17

To feel the music
Is infinitely more important
Than to hear the music.

– Sri Chinmoy, 18

The music of the heart
Where the words of the mind

– Sri Chinmoy, 19

Music knows
How to soulfully become
The illumining fragrance
Of Nature.

– Sri Chinmoy, 20



  1. Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 10
  2. Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  3. Sri Chinmoy, God The Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  4. Sri Chinmoy, Sound and Silence, Part 2, Agni Press, 1982
  5. Sri Chinmoy, Sound and Silence, Part 2, Agni Press, 1982
  6. Sri Chinmoy, Sound and Silence, Part 2, Agni Press, 1982
  7. Sri Chinmoy, Sound and Silence, Part 2, Agni Press, 1982
  8. Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  9. Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  10. Sri Chinmoy, Flame Waves, part 10, Agni Press, 1978
  11. Sri Chinmoy, Flame Waves, part 10, Agni Press, 1978
  12. Sri Chinmoy, Flame Waves, part 10, Agni Press, 1978
  13. Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  14. Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  15. Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  16. Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  17. Sri Chinmoy, God the Supreme Musician, Agni Press, 1976
  18. Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 36, Agni Press, 2004
  19. Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 22, Agni Press, 2001
  20. Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 08, Agni Press, 1998

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