“It is in our liberal understanding of all religious faiths that we can hope to achieve tolerance. Tolerance helps us to a large degree to put an end to the age-old prejudices born of ignorance.”
– Sri Chinmoy, Source
“Tolerance is not conscious submission to a superior power. Real tolerance is compassion in disguise.”
– Sri Chinmoy, Source
Is a secret and sacred way
To enrich our human life.
– Sri Chinmoy, Source
I shall tolerate the world,
I shall.
Only by tolerating the world
Shall I be able to help
My mind to ascend
My heart to transcend.
Sri Chinmoy, Source
Humanity’s tolerance-need
Is urgent.
Sri Chinmoy, Source
Tolerance means
Eventual victory.
Sri Chinmoy, Source
Tolerance always
Brings forth
A bumper crop.
Sri Chinmoy, Source
“Divine tolerance is based on oneness. In the case of divine tolerance, when somebody does something wrong to me, I do not actually forgive that person. What happens is that my inner divinity becomes totally one with the person who has made a mistake and is creating a disturbance in my life. If my soul’s oneness with the other person comes to the fore, then where is forgiveness? So divine tolerance is deeper even than forgiveness. It is all oneness. It is nothing but the conscious feeling or awareness of our oneness with others. I do not tolerate you because I feel that I am superior or because I feel that I have capacity while you have none. With a spiritual person, it is not ego that comes to the fore when he tolerates someone. It is his identification with the other person’s limitations.”
– Sri Chinmoy, Source
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